Twenty Mile Farm Welcome to our new webhome...we hope you enjoy your cyber visit at Twenty Mile Farm and also we invite you to browse through our site for more information about Border Cheviot Sheep and especially our Champion stock! At Twenty Mile our Champion Border Cheviot Sheep have lots of room to roam in the pens with lots of good California grass to graze We also have a canine agility training facility. For more information on our agility classes please click here to go to our agility website. We regularly show our sheep and are very proud to have a good flock of purebred Cheviots who have been awarded many championships!
~ Mature body weight for the rams ~ 160 to 200
pounds (72-90 kg)
Please feel free to use the e-mail button below to contact us for more information during our transition to a fully comprehensive site!
Click here to go back to our Main Index Please come back soon and visit us! Valerie Vale