ussium |
gility |

In loving memory...
Outback Carrie'N On OA OAJ

Sadly, I lost my 'golden girl', Carrie
last night. She led me to the agility path by insisting that obedience was
BOOORRRING, and she was my first agility teacher.
If she had a better handler, who knows what she might have accomplished?
Carrie was a gift, and in my defence, I
always was aware of how much I had been given. She gave 100% every time, without
I now have to 'carry on' without her, somehow.

Look not where I was
For I am not there
My spirit is free
I am everywhere
In the air that you breathe
In the sounds that you hear
Don’t cry for me Mom
My spirit is near
I’ll watch for you
From the other side
I’ll be the one running
New friends by my side
Smile at my memory
Remember in your heart
This isn’t the end
It’s a brand new start
(Author Unknown)

Running agility with Val at the controls
(Val says "when you take all
the fuzz off those ears, they really fly!")
2004 ASCA Nationals
Paso Robles, California

Faith Shimamoto handling Carrie in the conformation class

I LOVE to jump!

and jump again...

Then I run the chute...

and the weave poles...

and tip the teeter...

and the table...

and, finally, I can relax with my best friend Ben!

Carrie was a very serious puppy

She got the rules from Lucy, and had five weeks alone

before Ben came to the house, to learn them all

She used her eye to move the ball closer, but when she was
getting tired....

it was snooze time!